Why we give

We give in response to what God has done in our lives.

It is our act of worship to honor the Lord with our money, and we give in joy knowing two things: giving of our tithes and offering shows our dependence on God and furthers the work of the ministry.


How can I give?

You can give using your debit or credit card or via ACH bank transfer. You’re able to give a one-time gift, set up a recurring donation, or save payment methods to your profile.

In the drop down menu, there are four options available for our ministry:

# EM - offering

# EM - Tithe

# EM - missions

# EM- Other

You don’t need to download anything or create an account; simply fill out the fields and your information will be saved to your donor profile.

Can I give with an ACH bank transfer?

The Automated Clearing House (ACH) bank transfer is an electronic, bank-to-bank transfer process. When you use this method, the processing fees are lower than when you give with a credit card. You will have to verify that you own the bank account by logging in or through micro-deposit verification.

Can I give with my debit/credit card?

You can give using most credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.

Can I view my giving statement?

To view and change your payment methods or download your giving statement, you will need to log into your profile. Click the face at the top right corner, and then click log in. Follow the prompt and after setting up your profile, you will be able to manage your contact information, donation history, and payment methods.

Want more information?

Click here for more details.